Sunday, September 23, 2012

Time to Riot!

In the Muslim world (I capitalize "Muslim" so to not provoke another riot) it's Riot Tuesday, followed by Go Crazy Wednesday, Blow this $h!t up Thursday and Friday-Sunday well that's a combination of the week days all rolled up in to one fun filled Muslim jihad weekend! I'm gonna shoot ya straight and tell ya right now that I don't pretend to know what I'm talking about when it comes these issues. What I do know is that every week there's some crazy Muslims killing, burning, attacking and blowing $h!t up and this comes from a self proclaimed "people and religion of peace".
I have nothing against different religions and beliefs, to each his own but when you start blowing Americans up because of a movie, or a book or simply because you don't like our way of life then I as an American have a problem with that. What if Christians were acting like that? How long do you think that would be tolerated in today's society? Let's say every time we hear Gods name in vain on TV we start a riot (yes, I know it would be non stop rioting), or when  non Christians try to stop a particular Chicken fast food joint from opening a store in your city simply because their CEO doesn't believe the same way you do...again riot! There would be little to no tolerance for Christians if we acted like that, nor should there be. But many of us tolerate and empathize with these hate filled extremist, why? Because of fear, because we're afraid they'll attack us, blow us up, kill our peeps and in the meantime these loons are gaining a stronger foothold by capitalizing on OUR fear. Come on people, grow a pair! Do you think our forefathers were full of fear? Hell no! They stood fear in the face and came out victorious. 

These attacks on innocent people (American or not) should be dealt with swiftly and sternly regardless of their rights. If you're acting in a way that is crazy, destructive, violent, murderous, (imo) you just lost your rights!  

"There's always something burning with the jihad members of the Religion of Perpetual Outrage. It's time so see through the smokescreen!" 

We might want to start placing our fear (and trust) in God and not the crazies that occupy our world. That's my advice, take it for what it's worth. 

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog posts. While I may not agree with everything you might say, that's okay. I promise to not blow you up because we may disagree sometimes. haha In all seriousness though, it makes my heart oh so incredibly sad to read or watch the news. While that may make me ignorant, that's why I don't stay up to date on all the happenings around the world. It makes me sad. It makes me angry. And I don't like being either. Sometimes I'm glad to be reminded that this place isn't my home. But more times than not it just confuses and baffles me. (and makes me sad and angry) I think one reason it makes me like that is because I have too much faith in the human race. I'm constantly being thrown back into reality when I hear of someone attacking someone else just because they disagree with them on something trivial. Or when they declare that they believe in God and believe in God's "definition" of marriage. Okay, I'm going to stop myself mid-rant. haha
    Once again, I love reading your blogs Jeff. So keep on posting them! :)
