Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Okay, so here's the thing.. I haven't posted on here for a few years, a lot of sh!t has gone down. Good sh!t and bad sh!t. I won't bother with gory details but I'm no longer married, in a band or living in Cincinnati. I divorced, hung it up and moved. One day I reached my tipping point with the whole shebang and literally packed my crap up (what I could fit in my pretentious gas guzzling Escalade) and headed North. North to Alaska, just kidding, still in Ohio but Northern OH. I gave the Escalade back to the bank, walked away from the big house/mortgage, sold my music gear (except for my bass guitar which was stolen by my Ex) and found a woman that wasn't 2 parts crazy and one part.. (rrrrrt. screeching halt). I don't like where this is going. Check yourself Koontz (deep breath). So I moved north, got my Pilot license and started working at the local Airport. I'm in a steady, calm, normal relationship with an awesome, beautiful younger (by 3 years) woman. I love her and I'm pretty sure we'll grow old together outside of the confinements and strangleholds of marriage (deal with it). I have a good life, it's relatively simple, slightly boring at times but I have what I need and appreciate what I have. I made some necessary changes and I'm beginning to see some of the fruits of my labor.  God is good.