Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chick-fil-A and same sex Kiss-in day

So this coming Friday is same sex "kiss-in" day at Chic-fil-A brought to you by the gay activist community. If you don't know what I'm talking about go back to sleep, sorry to wake you. If I were the old me I could and most certainly WOULD have a hay day with this one. The things I would conger up would not only be somewhat humorous but probably illegal. But since I'm NOT the old me I would never stoop so low as to organize a "punch a homo in the face" day or "make out with your opposite sex significant other" day or any other atrocities that would blatantly mock the immeasurable accomplishment of this fine example of free speech and human expression. I know, I know, some of you are already writing me off as a "hater" simply because I'm poking fun. Get over yourselves and read the whole post.
I truly am impressed that thousands of gays will be making this exponential statement (whatever it is) in  chicken fast food establishments across this chicken fried country. A friend of mine said "Jeff, they're just thrusting their homosexuality in our face!" but being the people loving, optimist that I am don't believe that to be true. Not for one harefooted second!
I believe this day to be a day of reckoning for us straight laced heterosexuals. We will begin to see clearly and understand the significance of their plight. I'm sure that as my kids (and thousands of others around the country) witness 2 men embracing each other in a passionate tangling of mustaches, they will undoubtedly understand the rightness of this moment. I honestly don't think I'll have to explain to them why Adam is kissing Steve or why Ava is kissing Eve, they will simply feel the natural pretensionless love in the air. I am quite certain this day won't be polluted with leather ass-less chaps or nipple tassels. Nor will it be scandalized with scantly clad rainbow painted bodies or 7 foot tall high heeled wearing transvestites with  voices like James Earl Jones.
Okay, okay enough sarcasm. I'm just going to put it like this. This particular demonstration is no more endearing or appropriate than the so called Christians that walk around with "God hates homo's" signs. The only message being given or received by either party is one of haughty self-righteous pride and ignorance. The proud are so consumed with themselves that their thoughts and beliefs are far from God: "In his pride the wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God." Ps 10:4
That is all.


  1. I have no idea what's up with the white out in the beginning of my post. That line is supposed to read "If you don't know what I'm talking about sorry to wake you. Go back to sleep."

  2. Good post, thought provoking and laced with sarcasm :)

  3. First of all, my eyes are totally hating me for reading this... I've had to stop a couple times to let them adjust. haha Second of all, while I've already posted my view on Facebook I will leave a comment. You're one funny man Jeff. This whole CFA/gay thing is starting to get under my skin. I understand that they want equal rights and all that, but why do they feel the need to push their homosexuality down our throats? The guy said one statement about what he believes. He didn't say that he hates gays, or that CFA will never serve them. They're taking things way out of context. It's not like he's Hitler or anything and trying to kill off Homosexuals. I have nothing against them except their lifestyle. I don't like it. I won't accept it. But I'll love them as human beings. I won't shove my faith down their throats. I won't go to a Gay Pride Parade and make out with a guy. I won't bash them for choosing a different lifestyle than I've chosen. So I can't understand why they feel the need to be "poor sports". The only thing I do know for sure, is that I am beyond thankful that this place is not my home. I will love everyone the same. "Love the sinner, hate the sin". (sorry kind of long)
